21 Crazy Things People Have Actually Witnessed At Disney

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13. This Tinker Blow.

“We were waiting in line to see the Butterfly Garden and my niece had to go to the bathroom. The nice Disney workers let us go use the single stall staff restroom behind scenes so we didn’t have to go far. The door wasn’t locked, but we walked in on Tinker Bell and a friend getting gruesome in the bathroom! My niece still talks about how she saw Tink ‘proposing’ to a male fairy friend at Disney World. I will never forget that!”

14. This POS human.

“As a Cast Member I saw a grown man (in front of his wife and children) shove a pregnant Cast Member up against a wall and try to punch her stomach because she wouldn’t let him cut in line.”

15. And this one.

I once witnessed a guest trying to stuff her dog in a locker so she could go on Grizzly River Run at Disney California Adventure.”
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