25 Clues You’re a Disney Addict

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 larissa cardinal pinterest
Sure, you love Disney! Who doesn’t right? (Believe it or not, some people don’t…I know, sad.) But are you a true Disney addict? Here are SOME sure fire ways to know you are a Disney addict.

1) When you say your family is going on vacation, everyone you talk to automatically knows that means it is a Disney one. Or maybe you say you are going somewhere like Seattle, and people are shocked it is not a Disney vacation, only for you to fess up the trip is mostly so you can attend a Disney hosted conference.

2) Your entire playlist, Pandora station list, and CD collection consists of 95% Disney music. If it is not a Disney song, you liked it because it was on a commercial having to do with Disney, so it is therefore an honorary Disney song (Some Nights by Fun made my playlist only after it was used on the Wreck It Ralph trailors)

3) You catch yourself telling people to have a magical day.

4) When anyone mentions a possible trip to Disney, you throw in your favorite tips, eats and rides, without them even asking.

5) When you measure your kid’s height with terms such as “tall enough for Thunder Mountain but not for Indiana Jones”

6) When you have your next 2 years worth of Disney vacations planned as far as dates, where you hope to stay, and who all will be going.

7) You have never seen a Nick Jr show because in your house the kids only watch Disney Junior.

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