21 Crazy Things People Have Actually Witnessed At Disney

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19. This frisky couple.

“On Pirates of the Caribbean, about halfway through the ride, a couple that had up until then been making out, shifted and looked like they were changing seats. To my surprise, the guy bent the girl over the rail into the next row and began banging her from behind with all his might and they both were moaning as loud as humanly possible. Security was waiting at the exit for them and I’m pretty sure they were banned from the park. It was the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of my life.”

20. This woman who couldn’t wait for a bathroom.

“My friends and I were sitting at the benches on Main Street when we noticed a woman from far away walking with some people. Her hand slid down the side of her hip, reached under her dress, pulled out a tampon, and put it into her fist, ALL while continuing to walk.”

21. And this guy with seven years’ worth of stories.

“I worked there for seven years. I had a guy THROW HIS TODDLER AT ME. I had a guy take off his fake leg and swing it at my face. I had a young woman hand me a ziplock bag full of ashes and ask me, ‘Where can I leave grandma?’ I had numerous people ask me if I could turn on the A/C because they honestly believed Disneyland was in a giant glass dome. Oh, and I was once scheduled to spend the day at Disneyland with Gary Busey. That was fun.”