10 Under Appreciated Disney Cast Members

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8. Guest Relations
Guest relations is where guests typically go to voice their complaints or concerns while visiting a Disney park. Cast members at guest relations will help often tired and exasperated guests find a solution to any problem they may have, be it a legitimate concern or something more superficial. While the cast members in guest relations can create the most magic for an unhappy guest, sometimes they must also handle more ridiculous claims such as having their day ruined by the rain or if a Haunted Mansion cast member didn’t smile at them. Alternatively, guest relations is also where guests can go to commend other cast members for going above and beyond expectations. Remember this next time you go on vacation and a cast member makes your visit magical! And if you do decide to recognize a cast member at guest relations, be sure to get his or her name and hometown from their nametag.
7. Lifeguards
Lifeguards work outside in very hot and humid weather and watch the guests very carefully to keep them safe. You can cool off and have fun knowing that these cast members are highly trained and go through rigorous training before they are stationed by the pool. While these cast members seem like they have it easy just sitting around, they’re ready to use their skills to help at any time.

6. Housekeeping
Housekeeping is a role that many guests do not see, but they cannot help but notice the work they do. You may not realize that they’re under-appreciated because you normally have a clean room, but other rooms can be a lot messier than yours, and there is a lot of physical labor involved for this under-appreciated position. Continue Reading