10 Under Appreciated Disney Cast Members

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5. Parking Attendant
Parking Attendants are often taken for granted, mainly because you only see them while parking or taking a tram, but they can have one of the toughest jobs in Walt Disney World. They stand out in the hottest part of the park, while directing hundreds of guests where to park safely and efficiently, and also making sure guests are safe while walking through the lots.

4. Attractions Cast Members
While many Attractions cast member can seem under-appreciated, I think that Fastpass, stroller parking and attractions cast members who work crowd control deserve special recognition. These positions can carry a lot more responsibility simply because they have the potential to deal with large amounts of guests while doing repetitive tasks. Show cast members have the extra responsibility of handling loads of hundreds if not thousands of guests for some shows and keeping them all safe, they also have to coordinate and time the shows for the characters onstage. Fastpass and Stroller Parking tend to handle the sometimes more exasperated and short-tempered guests. Everyone has had that moment where they cannot find their stroller or miss out on a Fastpass, and these cast members can help you find them or fix any problems you have.
3. Character Attendant
As I’ve said before on this list, some cast members can handle some unruly guests, but Character Attendants arguably see the worst out of all others. Character Attendants accompany characters to their meet and greets, handle lines, take pictures, and escort them to and from their locations. Being in control of such popular characters, they tend to have to make tough decisions on cutting lines for characters’ breaks, and having to deal with the upset guests on the wrong side of the line. Of all the roles, character attendants are probably the most abused and insulted cast members, so if you have a good time with a character, be sure to thank the attendants as well, they’ll really appreciate it!

2. Transportation
Transportation cast members are probably the most disconnected of the roles in Walt Disney World, but they do have a very necessary job. Getting you to and from places across the huge property that is twice the size of Manhattan is no easy task. Whether you take a bus, boat, or a monorail to where you want to go, be sure to thank the cast members who take you there, and show them the same courtesy they show you while safely getting you to your destination.
1. Custodial
While custodial cast members are not responsible for the deep cleaning of the park (there’s a third shift after park closing that takes care of that) they do keep everything clean during park hours. In addition, custodial cast members are responsible for acting as a sort of mobile guest relations, answering guests questions out and about in the park. They’re like the ninjas of the parks, they clean and help guests but you don’t even realize they’re there most of the time.