11 Crazy Things Disney Employees Have Witnessed While Working

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9. This uprising 

Flickr: keristars

AnOfferYouCantRefuse: When I was working the front of a character line I saw a Make-A-Wish complaint happen. The guy who was next in line shouted, “I wish my kid was dying so we could skip lines too!” How disgusting, right? What ensued was one of the most amazing things I’d ever seen. The ENTIRE line of people who heard it began booing him, shouting at him to get out of the park, and then as a group of about 45 followed him around for an hour complaining to his face until he couldn’t take it anymore and left the park.
TL;DR: Some prick complained about a Make-A-Wish kid, the entire line yells at him and follows him until he leaves the park


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