13 Secret Rules All Disney Employees Have To Follow

20:55 0 Comments A+ a-


 Even the smallest details like wearing prescription glasses are regulated. If you do wear glasses, they may not display a brand or logo on the frame. Also the frames must be conventional. 


 There is a reason that the Disney resorts are so clean all the time. Every employee is told to pick up trash as soon as they see it. 


Even the way they pick up the trash has a Disney specific guideline. If a cast member sees trash on the ground, they are not allowed to bend over to pick it up. The cast member must use the "scooping method" to pick up the trash. 

 Pointing is not allowed by any cast members. If you ask for directions from a cast member, they will typically use a gesture like using their whole hand to guide you or a few fingers together. Pointing with one finger is considered offensive in some cultures making it not allowed at Disney. 

 If you do work at Disney, you cannot talk about anything that you do on ANY social media platform. Good thing we don't work for Disney or we would not be cast members for very long.