7 Reasons Dating A Disney Fan Is Awesome

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1. Disney fans are always in the mood to travel
Every vacation includes a stop at a Disney location. This can lead to come pretty exotic vacation locations. Along with Florida and California there are Disney parks in Hong Kong, Paris, and Tokyo. Start saving your penny’s and airline miles now.

2. Disney fans always have a game plan
Even before you get to the parks there is a game plan all laid out (probably in a binder or folder.) You will never have to guess what you’re going to do next. All of this planning rolls over into real life as well. Disney fans can get a lot accomplished in the least amount of time.

3. Disney fans consider Spaghetti and Meatballs the most romantic food
You can thank lady in the tramp for saving your wallet on birthdays and anniversaries. The most romantic thing you can do is share a plate of spaghetti with us. Maybe followed up with watching an animated Disney movie

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